Wednesday, February 3, 2010
That's my new blog. I've been getting annoyed with this one, so I switched back to Wordpress. Please check it out and add it to your blogrolls!
(Almost) Track!
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A lovely picture that truly shows the meaning of track. Yes, this is what we looked like the entire time. And this is only the 1600 (1 mile) race! I'm the one on the far right (in last place), and my two friends C and B are ahead of me. I'm not going to say their names because I'm not sure if they would want them on the blog. This exact order was the way our mile races were for the entire season. C in the front, then B, then ME. We'd usually get times within a few seconds of each other. OK story time!
So I've known B since freshman year, and just became close friends with C last track season, sophomore year. We stuck together at practice, and even though we all have our specialties (C and I like the 3200M, B likes the 1600M), we always run together. Yes, sometimes we (er… I) fall back during track workouts, but I'm the one who helps them during tough long runs. We all help each other, and if we're all feeling bad on a particular day, we all complain to each other! They're some of my best friends, and I could totally imagine us running with our baby strollers 10+ years from now! Random, I know, but aren't all running relationships a bit random? :D
Check out the guy in the gold shorts! Dayyyum his legs are so strong! I know from experience that running DOES NOT give you legs like that. More like this…
That's more like it. That's supposed to be a twig, by the way. Oh, the limitations of clip-art. To make up for that pathetic-ness, here's the world's easiest recipe.
Peanut Butter Energy Balls:
- 1 cup old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats
- ½ cup creamy peanut butter
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- ¼ cup finely chopped nuts (or dried fruit, or chocolate chips)
Mix all ingredients together, adding more maple syrup if the dough is too dry, and more oats if it is too sticky. Roll into balls and refrigerate until, uh, somewhat firm. They won't get super firm, so youre best bet is to eat them while they're still cold. Now wasn't that the easiest recipe ever?
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Obelisk
First off, this is an obelisk...
<33 cor
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Banana chocolate cake? Yes please!
Later, we went to California Pizza Kitchen, where I had a yummy slice of sourdough bread- CPK has the best bread! Then I ordered the field green salad. It had lettuce, slices pears, candied walnuts, and a dijon vinagrette. I ordered mine topped with grilled salmon. It was delicious!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Greek Week!
Price: $1.69, pretty typical for Greek yogurt
Nutrition: 120 calories/6 ounces, 36% DV protein
Ingredients: Nonfat milk, evaporated cane juice, natural vanilla flavor, cultures
Taste: Very creamy, not as tangy as most yogurts. The vanilla flavor comes through, but is not too strong. A good balance.
Stirability: When it's separated (liquid on top, solid on the bottom), it can be difficult to re-stir it. However, this rarely happens, and normally it is smooth and creamy.
And Oikos:
Price: $2.09, but is often on sale
Nutrition: 110 calories/5.3 ounces, 30% DV of protein
Ingredients: Organic nonfat milk, organic sugar, organic vanilla flavor, cultures
Taste: Much tangier than Oikos, with not as strong of a vanilla flavor.
Stirability: Separates often, but stirring it will solve the problem. Not as creamy as Chobani
So the winner? It's obvious- with a better value, more protein, better flavor, and better consistency, CHOBANI! =D
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wordy Post =)
I wrote an essay for school about why we eat meat. It's for English class, so it's more opinionated than informational, but maybe y'all would like to read it! I still need a title... opinions/critique are most definately welcome. Here goes...
My Essay
Why do we eat meat? It’s something we’ve all considered, or at least wondered, whether we’re high-raw vegans or frequent diners at Outback Steakhouse. I’m not going to try to convince you to stop eating meat; I eat it too. But why? If all the livestock suddenly disappeared from the earth, would we survive? Of course we would! This is the 21st century and in America, food is everywhere. In impoverished nations where meat is the food source, there is just cause to eat it. The entire reason we started eating meat in the first place was its accessibility. But now, all food has nutrition labels, everyone has their own preferences, and if you want something specific, chances are good you can easily find it at the grocery store.
If you were given the choice between a steak and a block of tofu, you would probably pick the steak. It’s been scientifically proven that our flavor preferences are more or less determined in childhood. If Mom used to give you a chocolate-chip cookie after you cleaned your room, then you probably like chocolate-chip cookies. If you always got a peanut butter sandwich on Wonder bread in your lunch bag, it’s no wonder you think wheat bread tastes like cardboard. Likewise, the foods you dislike are decided during childhood, too. I, for one, cannot drink fruit punch because I saw another child vomit it up at a birthday party when I was three years old. I know somebody who dislikes macaroni and cheese (the epitome of kid food) also because of a bad childhood experience. And I bet you’ve seen the baby food commercials which claim that babies who eat vegetables will continue to eat them as they grow up. The same is true with meat. We tend to make choices based on what we know, and what we know we will like. A child growing up in a vegetarian household will develop a taste for tofu just as one in a meat-eating family develops a taste for steak. The vegetarian child never craves steak, nor does the meat-eating child crave tofu.
But if we develop our flavor preferences during childhood, why is meat such a prominent part of our diets? Because it has a healthy reputation. We all need protein for our bodies to function properly. But how much do we really need? The USDA’s food pyramid states that we should eat approximately five ounces of meat per day, which is about the size and thickness of two decks of cards. Do we even need this much? Some theorize that the five-ounce recommendation was developed by meat processing companies to encourage sales. But even with this recommendation, have you ever seen a five ounce steak on a restaurant menu? Me neither. Portion sizes are out of control, and no matter what the food pyramid says, it is incredibly difficult to estimate exactly how much meat you’re eating. Even if you eat six ounces of protein per day instead of the recommended five, you’ll end up eating twenty-three pounds more per year than you (supposedly) need. Not only can too much protein be unhealthy, so can too much fat. Unsaturated fat is good for you, while saturated and trans fats are not. Saturated fat comes from animal flesh. When you eat it, it is digested to become fat on your body. Even if you purchase the leanest cut of meat, it still has some degree of saturated fat in it. However, foods like yogurt, nuts, and beans can all be purchased with no saturated fat. And these foods often contain healthy unsaturated fats, plus vitamins and minerals that meat lacks. Meat does, of course, have some nutrients in it, like iron, but so do beans, eggs, and leafy green vegetables. So, all things considered, why do we continue to eat meat if there are more nutritious alternatives available?
And that's it. =)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Treadmill = Ouch!
Some yummy eats today include cucumber bits + hummus
And some of this frozen yogurt... I'm hurt, so it's ok. ;)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Here's my workout:
5 mins treadmill- mini ladder workout
1 min- 9 minute mile
1 min- 8 minute mile
1 min- 7 minute mile
1 min- 8 minute mile
1 min- 9 minute mile
30 mins elliptical
Crossramp level 10
Resistance level 6
Want a recipe? Really, you do? Well, if you insist... =)
Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies:
- 1 stick unsalted butter
- 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
- 1 large egg
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp whole-wheat flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1 1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
- 1/2 cup chocolate chunks (I used 60% cacao)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degress. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
2. Cream butter, sugar, and egg in a large bowl. Add salt, baking powder, cinnamon, and flour. Stir, then add oats and chocolate.
3. Scoop the dough into 2-inch-wide balls on the cookie sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes and cool on a wire rack.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Car Faces?
At the mall, I bought some chocolate chips at the Ghirardelli outlet. Only $2.50 a bag!
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
Courtney the Neurologist?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
[Ummmy carby goodness]
[Study Snack]
Yes, I am one of those people who eats Nutella straight out of the jar. In my house, there's "Courtney's Nutella" and "Everyone Else's Nutella", to prevent cross-contamination. Its just too good by itself to mess up the flavor by spreading it on toast. Anyone with me on that?
I'd better get back to studying... or not. Everything in moderation?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
5K: 21:42
3 Mile: 21:38
2 Mile: 13:24
1 Mile: 6:23
800M: 2:55
And, my favorite record...
Distance Record: 12 MILES!!!!
I don't really like finals. (Does anyone?!) I want to get an equal number of A's and B's so I can be on the honor roll, which means I have to study a lot. =( Thankfully, track starts February 9th! Yay! I've decided to make a workout calender so I can get in shape for the team. As always, the coach informed us that there are still spots open for the 2-mile race. Last year, there were about 8 people who ran it, but this year it's only my friend and I! Two people! I'd better get into varsity shape. =/ So, I'll try to get that calender set up. =D Happy Thursday, y'all!
Question of the Day:
What's your favorite kind of exercise?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Clicking My Heels
So... it all started when I was a little ballet dancer. My feet have always rolled in (overpronated), and I had to strengthen them A LOT for ballet. I used resistance bands, foot exercises, everything! I wanted to be a professional dancer (oh, how I loved to dream) and the only way to do that was to have perfect feet. In 8th grade, I finally got my pointe shoes. I loved them- they made me feel so strong. My first two years en pointe (yes, it is spelled with "en") were great- my teachers were very experienced and were able to tell me exactly what I was doing wrong and whether my shoes fit correctly. My 3rd year, I switched dance schools, and that's where things got bad. My feet were callused and messed up, and my teachers didn't spend time helping me with them. Not good. =(
Of course, this affected my running. I started noticing a sharp pain in the ball of my right foot, and when I went to the podiatrist, he told me I had sesamoiditis. He said that my sesamoid bone had shattered, and if I hurt it anymore, I would need surgery to remove the shards of it! Ew! We tried everything- gel inserts, custom orthotics, even steel plates in the bottom of my shoes. Nothing worked. My breaking point was when I ran a community 5k- my feet hurt like never before. I thought my arches were literally going to break in half! It was horrible. No shoes fit "great" and whenever I tried a new shoe store to get more opinions, they always had me try the same one! I'm still looking for that perfect shoe- one with enough arch support to keep me from pronating, but enough cushioning to keep my sesamoid bones from breaking again. Anyone have any ideas?